�Computer System Architecture
Computer System:
The combination of input unit, output unit, storage unit ,CPU is called computer system.
Computer Architecture:
The design and construction parts of computer system is called computer architecture.
Anatomy of a digital computer
Anatomy means structure.
The five major building blocks of a PC or digital computer system. These five units correspond to the five basic operations performed by all computer systems. Functions of these units are given below.
Input Unit
Output Unit
Storage Unit
Arithmetic and Logic Unit(ALU)
Control Unit(CU)
Input unit:
Computer takes data as in the form of input unit that depends upon the input device used. Input devices are mouse , keyboard ,scanner etc.
Input unit performs the following functions.
It accept data and instruction from outside world.
It converts these data & instructions in computer acceptable form.
It supplies the converted data & instructions to computer system for further processing.
Output unit
An output unit performs reverse operation that of an input unit. It provides information from data processing to outside world. Output devices are monitor ,printer ,speaker ,plotter etc.
Output unit performs the following functions.
It accepts the results produced by a computer which are in coded form.
It converts these coded results to human readable form.
It provides the result to outside world.
Storage unit
Data & instructions entered into a computer system through input units have to be stored inside the computer before actual processing starts.
Storage unit stores
Data & instructions required for processing.
Result for output
Arithmetic & Logic unit(ALU)
ALU performs both arithmetic as well as logic operations . Arithmetic operations are addition ,subtraction, multiplication & division etc & logic operations are less than ,greater than, less than equal to, greater than equal to, equal to etc.
Control unit
Control unit acts as a central nervous system for other components of a computer system.
It manages & co-ordinates the overall operation of the computer system.
It maintains the sequence of operations being performed by the CPU.It fetches instruction from the storage area, decode the instructions and transmits the signals to the ALU & registers.
It also suggest the I/O devices to which data is to be communicated.