Android Application Development Certification 2021 (100% Off)

Android Application Development Exam
Android ATC or Android Advanced Training Consultants offers courses and assessment examination certify the proficiencies of current and potential employees. Their services are dispersed via Android ATC all around the world. The training courses have been developed and modulated by a team of Android ATC experts for some years.
To be an Android certified application developer, the candidate must pass the Android certified application developer exam.
Who should take this exam?
Whether the candidate is planning to become an Android developer, or to take their Android development knowledge and skills to the next level, Android ATC has designed the right path of exams, certifications, and courses to get on track for Android certifications.
Course Outline
The Android Application Development Exam (AND-801) Exam covers the following topics -
1. Introduction to Kotlin
● Kotlin History and Advantages
● How do Kotlin Programs work?
● Kotlin Software Prerequisites
● Creating Kotlin Project Using Android Studio
● Running a Kotlin Program
● Kotlin Variables and Data Types
2. Control Flow Statements
● If Statement
● If – Else Statement.
● If Else and Logical Operators
● When Statement and Expression
● For Loops
● While Loops
● Do-while Loops
● Jump Expressions
3. Functions & Object-Oriented Programming (OOP)
● Object-Oriented Programming (OOP)
● Object
● Class
● Kotlin Collections
4. Android Framework and Android Studio
● Android Platform Architecture
● Android Libraries

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